Improvisation Theatre Workshop | Tue 29 Jan at 17:00

Participants ? / 16

Improvisation Theatre Workshop

Improvisational theatre is the form of theatre, often comedy, in which everything what is performed is unplanned or unscripted, and created spontaneously by the improvisers. And you have the chance to be an improviser for a night! 

With the experienced and fun guidance of an improv theatre director, and together with your fellow JongTNO improvisers, you will work to create relationships, environments, situations, and conflicts in improvised scenes. Doing this, you will have a lot of fun, but you will also learn a lot that you can apply to other areas of your life, including work. 

Here are the 6 lessons that you learn from improv:

1. Be More Accepting. One of the core tenets of improv is “Yes, and…”. It states that a scene member should accept what another participant has stated (the “yes”) and then expand on that line of thinking (the “and”). Here you learn to, instead of immediatly saying no to someone else, try to understand where the other coming from. Try to build on their ideas and then offer suggestions.

2. Fully Commit to Whatever You Decide to Do. If you commit to everything in a scene, the audience won’t even notice if you’ve made a mistake. They’ll think it was just part of the scene. By taking ownership and committing to our choices, we can focus on looking forward instead of backward.

3. Look at Failure as a Positive Thing, and a Way of Learning. The funniest scenes are the ones that are unexpected, and when the audience see that the improvisers are struggling, but with a smile on their face! And if it's really not going well... In improv, most scenes last for around a minute or less, the end is always near. 

4. Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously. Improv is a great reminder to not take yourself so seriously. The best things in life are fun moments where you can let yourself fully go.

5. Just Go With the Flow (Instead of Trying to Plan Everything). In improv you have to act and react on others instantly, so there is no time to think things over. 

6. Acknowledge that Everyone Brings Something Unique to the Table. Only when you collaborate you will create beautiful and fun scenes. 

**to regulate the registrations better, there are costs associated with any registration later than one week before the start of the event**



  Tue 29 Jan 17:00 - 18:30
  Tue 22 Jan 17:00

 The Hague New Babylon 06.001
