YEAR Training: how to create impact in your Horizon 2020 proposal? | Tue 29 Oct at 11:00

Participants ? / 30

YEAR Training: how to create impact in your Horizon 2020 proposal?

On 29 and 30 October, a training takes place organised by YEAR - Young European Associated Researchers.

Registration takes place through YEAR: link

The preliminary program can be found here: link

In total, the number of registrations is limited to 30. This includes members from other member organizations. The event is free.

There will also be a borrel, in New Babylon on the 10th floor, on 29 October from 17:00-20:00.

In your registration, you can select which parts of the program you would like to attend. You also have the opportunity to attend only part of the program and/or the borrel.

Final registrations for the training are determined by YEAR.


More details:

After the success of our last EU training, we are delighted to announce that the YEAR - Young European Associated Researchers will host a 2 days training event on impact and pitching of Horizon 2020 EU proposals. The event will be organized together with TNO and with one of Europe’s most highly esteemed and sought after trainers - Sean Mc Carthy of Hyperion. on EU Proposal writing for H2020. 

The event will include 1.5 days of training with Sean, and a half day workshop to bring some of the learned into practice. This international event brings the added value of networking among multidisciplinary Young Researchers, who are interested in developing EU proposals, in 7 YEAR Institutes (VTT, TNO, Sintef, RISE, VITO, AIT and AICIA) with high potential for finding core partners for new project proposals.

While YEAR does not impose age limitations, we are focused on early stage Researchers (15 years since primary degree, or 10 years or less experience in Research). Please encourage relevant members of your team, who you would like to develop in EU Proposal writing, to participate in this high impact event. While the event is fully sponsored and funded YEAR/TNO, funding for travel and hours is expected to come from your own organization.

Looking forward to see you in The Hague!

The YEAR Board!

  Tue 29 Oct 11:00 - 17:30
  Mon 28 Oct 12:56

 Den Haag
