Learn to Speak Confidently with Toastmasters | Tue 25 Jan at 12:00

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Learn to Speak Confidently with Toastmasters

You've been there - tomorrow's the big presentation, with allll the stakeholders - and you want to do well, but the feeling is THE WORST. Sweaty hands, heart pounding, can't remember what you're supposed to say. Why do we have to present!?

Welcome to Toastmasters - a self-help group for people who recognize that presenting and public-speaking are important, whether we love it or hate it. We meet once a month during lunch to practice speaking and give each other feedback. And you can even earn an internationally-recognized certification if you really like it!

Sign up now to take the first step toward becoming a better speaker. There's no commitment and no pressure to present.

See you there!

-The Toastmasters Committee

  Tue 25 Jan 12:00 - 13:00
  Tue 25 Jan 10:00


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