Learn the Art of Presenting | Wed 17 Aug at 12:00

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Learn the Art of Presenting

We often suffer through boring presentations that COULD have been interesting, and SHOULD have been half the length. Don't let a lack of practice put your audience to sleep - or even hold you back in your career!

Welcome to Toastmasters - a club for people who know that giving a engaging, clear, and concise presentation takes practice (especially in English).
We meet once a month during lunch to give short speeches and presentations and give each other feedback. This is a great place to practice your upcoming presentation and get positive, constructive feedback - or just make up a fun speech about the monthly topic!

You can even earn an internationally-recognized certification if you're looking for resumé points.

Sign up now to take the first step toward becoming a better speaker. There's no commitment and no pressure to present.

See you there!

-The Toastmasters Committee

  Wed 17 Aug 12:00 - 13:00
  Sun 14 Aug 17:00

 New Babylon / Online

 0.00 (non-member)