YEAR: Work Stress Webinar | Thu 10 Oct at 13:30

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YEAR: Work Stress Webinar

With the final quarter of the year coming around the corner, stress tends to increase within our work life. However stress does not have overtake your life and research is here to support you!

In this webinar, we will focus on work related stress and approaches to address it. We will explore the complexities of workplace stress and share recent numbers on the development on work stress. The emphasis will be on research on practical strategies for organizations, individuals and even more so on the combined effort of both. Register here!

Our TNO colleagues Janika Thielecke and Maartje Bakhuys Roozeboom will take you along a trip on how research can support young researchers dealing with with work stress. The agenda for the online webinare is as following:


  • 13:30-13:40 Welcome
  • 13:40-13:50 Work-stress is complex!
  • 13:50-14:10 What can organizations do?
  • 14:10-14:30 What can workers do?
  • 14:30-14:50 Any innovative solutions?
  • 14:50-15:00 Open discussion

If you wish to receive the recording, then do please sign up through the YEAR event page as well. Recordings will be shared with all the participants after the event has taken place.

Some more information regarding the speakers:

JanikThielecke is a researcher and psychologist with a passion to find new ways to prevent mental health problems. She holds a PhD from the Technical University Munich (TUM). In her work at TUM she focused on evaluating digital intervention to depression prevention and exploring key factors influencing their effectiveness. As a certified trainer, she gave courses on stress management and relaxation to students and taught on the subject at different universities. Janika joined the TNO department Work, Health, Technology in 2023, where she is involved in diverse projects aimed at innovating approaches to assess and address work-related stress. Her overarching ambition is to integrate and combine insights from health and occupational psychology into innovative, holistic and feasible approaches for the praxis.

Social psychologist Maartje Bakhuys Roozeboom has worked at TNO since 2007 in the Work, Health, Technology department. As a researcher on the theme of mental health at work, she conducts research on psychosocial risk management and work stress prevention. Results of this research form the basis for innovative solutions at different intervention levels that improve the mental health of employees. Maartje is specialized in primary prevention of work stress at the organizational level. She also has expertise in the field of behavior change and implementation of organisational-level interventions.

  Thu 10 Oct 13:30 - 15:00
  Thu 10 Oct 13:30

