It's our birthday! - Jong TNO 25 years Jong - interest list for the Lustrum committee | Wed 01 Jan at 12:00

Participants ? / -

It's our birthday! - Jong TNO 25 years Jong - interest list for the Lustrum committee

We are celebrating our 25th anniversary next year! :)

In order to make next year a bit more extraordinary than usual, we would like to give this year some extra 'va va voom' in the form of:

- A theme
- Some nice events
- A big event
- Something special
- A gadget

Anything is possible: from a miniconference to superspeeddates, debates; from parties to quizzes; from daylong cricketmatches to abroad visits; from LAN parties to foam parties.
Also, it does not have to be a year full of activities: we could organise one particular lustrum week full of actiivities e.g. in September (the month we were actually founded).


What we are looking for:

Some people who have ideas on what would make a Lustrum year 'extra'. Think: themes, blitz, gadgets, events, large, big and maybe some glitter. Whatever floats your boat. 

You don't have to organise it all: there are already some very good things on the planning which are already being organised by different people like a gala, a very large and festive jam session and we have the yearly beach party. However, we would like to have an over-arching committee tying it all together.

People who are interested in:
- Brainstorming on a theme
- Coordinating the agenda
- Organising a splendid event 
are very welcome.


Pretty decent, if we say so ourselves :)

P.s. if you want how they partied in 2005: here a movie (!) of Jong TNO's 15th anniversary. (Maybe you can even spot your RM! ;)) Click here


  Wed 01 Jan 12:00 - Thu 31 Dec 12:00
  Sat 30 Nov 12:00

 Jong TNO
