ICA x TNO Sports - OlympICA 2024: Hockey and Football Tournaments | Utrecht | Sat 17 Aug at 12:00

Participants ? / -

ICA x TNO Sports - OlympICA 2024: Hockey and Football Tournaments | Utrecht

ICA's yearly sports event Olympica is finally coming up this summer on 17 August!

Are you ready to leave blazers and suits aside? Do you and your team members have what it takes to win the most fun and sporty ICA event? Get ready to sweat, have fun, and sign yourself up!

During this event our member organizations are competing on the sports field Kampong in Utrecht. There will be two different tournaments, football and hockey, and it is possible to participate in either of them.

The program: a day-long event

12.00-12.45: welcome, change clothes, registration and lunch

12.45-13.00: warm-up

13.00-18.00: sports tournament

18.00-19.00: Dinner

19.00-00.00: closing party

What do you need to become a team?

Each team (mixed genders) should have between 7 and 10 players. No experience is required, you can also play for fun! From TNO's side, the Sports Committee is graciously sponsoring the participation cost and TNO tees for one team each for Hockey and Football. Registrations are on a first-come-first-serve basis, so if you have fun colleagues in mind who you would like to have on your team, please encourage them to sign up as well!

Sign up for the:


The registrations at ICA close on the 2nd August. Hence, we will finalise the team internally based on the sign-ups on the form by 31st July.


Please feel free to direct any questions about the internal organisation to Saarang Gaggar, or about the main event to go@ica.nl.

"What is ICA?"

The Inter Company Association consists of 50 organisations in the Netherlands. As a member of Jong TNO, all ICA events are FREE! This is because Jong TNO pays a yearly membership for our organisation as a whole. Just take 10 seconds to make an account on ICA.nl with your TNO email address, and have a blast at all the free ICA events! 🥳

"What is TNO's sports committee?"

This is a TNO initiative, led by Wieger Voskens and Jan Bakker, which aims to enable TNOers to participate in various sporting events. Get in touch with them to know more!

  Sat 17 Aug 12:00 - 22:00
  Wed 31 Jul 17:00

 Kampong Utrecht
